Dr. Eric VanEpps said: "When you’re already hungry and ready to eat leads to an overall increase in the number of calories ordered. By ordering meals in advance, the likelihood of making indulgent purchases is drastically reduced."
范艾普司博士暗示:「當翻譯公司飢腸轆轆、準備大吃一馬上,你點的餐點卡路里就會很高。 The secret to cutting calories could be to plan your meals in advance and order lunch immediately after breakfast, a new study has revealed. 一項新的研究顯示,下降卡路里攝取的法門,在於先想好午飯要吃什麼,然後吃完早飯後立刻準備好翻譯 Want to lose weight? Plan your lunch at breakfast time-想減重?早餐時間就計畫好午飯內容 賓夕法尼亞州大學范艾普司博士的團隊,針對近700名上班族和200名大學生進行3項研究,他們全都是在工作或上課地址的餐廳購置午飯。 精英翻譯社轉自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=1095729&day=2017-04-20 ◎孫宇青 研究發現,從決意餐點到吃下餐點的時候,只要相隔1小時,便可削減攝取38卡路里。 The findings show that each hour between ordering and consuming led to 38 fewer calories being consumed at the lunch. The researchers noted that higher calorie meals were ordered when it wasn’t long before you started to eat. Those who planned their lunch also ordered healthier options by choosing smaller drinks. Dr. Eric VanEpps and his team in the University of Pennsylvania conducted three studies involving nearly 700 office workers and nearly 200 university students, all of whom bought their lunch from an on-site canteen.
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